Saw Yen Pey Facebook upload some handmake think to learn do some give Jeff..hehe..give him some surprise ma..having exam at Thursday 2:30 till 4:30..reach home already super tired lor..who know Yen Pey called me said now she free n will fetch me bout 5 more min ==" what to do?? Sure go la..
Acc we are doing 冰皮月饼 la..hehe..English called what?? Cold skin mooncake??? I don't think so ==" ok..the point is..I can't take pic while I learning to do those mooncake..cuz hand-make use need use ur hand la..wakakaka
Here the recipe
Ingre than u need to prepare..
Water 350ml
Pandan Leaf Essence 1tsp
Icing Sugar 180g
Gao Fun 240g
Shortening 60g
For the inti..we bought from the may buy some melon seeds or seeds that you like..mix it with your also may use others essence as you like..
1. Add Pandan Leaf essence and some green colour folour colouring into the water.
2. Mixwell Gou Fen with Icing sugar, after that pour the water into the mixture.
3. Make the mixture to a dough.
4. Add in shortening into the dough and mix well. You must melt the shortening before pour into the dough.
5. Divide the dough into 50g each and divide the inti 50g each too.
6. Make it like do Pau like that. Make sure your inti not coming out from the skin.
7. Use a mooncake 'acuan' to make the shape of mooncake.
8. Keep it in refrigerator and serve it. good my english..acuan also keluar..not bad la..I'm transfer Chinese to English for you all d la..very hard u know..Emm ya..juz so easy..but you need practices more to get a good result lor..good luck everyone..haha ^^
This is the Gao Fun..
Before go in do spa in the frige..haha
After spa..haha..I do 3 Pandan inti taste n 3 Lotus inti taste..the taste is not bad la..any comment from this mooncake..ask Mr.Jeff CJ la..haha..Happy Mooncake Fastivel ^^
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