Celebrate Xpei birthday at dream box today..seen we so long didn't come out gethering n sing k..haha so we plan go Dream Box lor..everyone is wearing skirt today cuz Xpei wearing..follow her order lor..who called she is the birthday girl? Hehe ^^ Fandy fetch me Shu Fen Paye Woen go buy cake then juz go dream ox.who know Cathy them more late cuz need pos something.. nevermind..we sing 1st hahahaha..here some pic before they reach..
After that Xpei them also reach d..start to take pretty pic la..everyone wearing skirt..hehe..except the 2 guys la..so let see pic..then from pic u guess what happen ^^
Hehe..Paye Woen 1 hand take mic 1 hand doing exercise
3 lazy ladies

Present time?? A necklace with a word 忍..then Fandy said everything also need 忍..we all will support you 1..then I also said you really need 忍 don't so fast give out ur this time ^^ then everyone laugh..
Pretty lol ^^

Go toilet also can take so much pic
Lalalala~~~ Fandy why dunwan sing?? Angry ><

She love money
Ok birthday girl is crying cuz we sing her a song name 第一时间 by F4

Haha our pic again ^^

Ok is time to cut cake..hehe.. she don't know we bought her a cake ^^ this mission let's me Shu Fen n Ben to sucess it..
Birthday girl with the girls
With all member who giving her frenship love
Kissing time =="

Giving cake time ^^

Wan eat or sing o??

Ok..this is all the pic in KTV..the video I'll upload at Facebook..so everyone please go my facebook profile see k? Cuz too big file d..can resize it? Hehe..Xpei don't say don't have ur pic d la..haha..this post many ur pic d..haha..what pattern also have ^^
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