Decide go to eat carry on today..but when reach there.. we saw a group of ppl walk out from the shop..the shop no yet open?? But the window is open n we can see the chair still putting top of the Kiang n dear went down to have a look..who know..the shop is doing some renovation..we so unluck lor..that day after swim wan come also no open..haiz haiz..angry >_<
So we decide go eat lut lut..haha..this time is go Wan Li Xiang..hehe..cuz last time go another shop d ma..with my dear..hahahahaha ^^ After take what we time to start eat..haha..hungry nia...Paye Woen is the 1st want feel full..then she start to take our hungry face n eatting pose..haha lover..Eat lut lut sure muz have this..haha
Yummy yummy
2 star eye 1 big nose 2 slices ham as mouth
Crazy frog couple..haha
Happiness couple ^^
Finally I'm full..
But i'm not..hehe
Kiang is still u see what he take??
This is me n dear ate de..haha..if not mistaken is 48 n dear drank 2 glass Liang tea each person..haha..clever leh??
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