Today having our Management presentation..3 group will be present today but we are the 2nd group..but when lect enter class called group 16 to one is answer she call us to present 1st..oh my god..@-@.. at last our presentation is not bad la..Paye Woen told me today we have a celebration on yesterday but I not really saw it cuz I'm chatting with Yun decide go with them..we long time no have a gathering d ma T-T
Going Blank n White gain..I don't know why Cathy them so like that place..Cathy, Fandy, Xpei, Kah Khim, Kai Kin(am I rite?? Sorry dunno how to spell his name) Paye Woen n me..everyone is in formal look..hehe

Kai Khim & Paye Woen vs Kai Khim & Danielle Ong

Cathy with her Chocolate Ice Blanded n Ori Toest
Paye Woen n Me share..called Egg n Ham is look like Pizza???
Playing UNO ^^ all my fren very bad de..if u forget say Uno game or Uno last card they keep on add card give last leave me n Paye Woen..see who the loser..Paye Woen mask take off that time.acc she is very bad de..keep on bully me T-T

38 girl..Kai Khim not like u la~~
After this we go Wings cafe..but dun have any pic..sorry..lazy to take la..cuz I took many pic at there b4..haha
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