This was the 2nd or 3rd time I been there this year?? Having class study trip this time for one of the subject I'm taken this sem. Actually was our assignment la. Our tast was interview one of the shop in Genting and interview them. Find out how they promote thier product or services. Here is some picture of playing time : )

The haze is so heavy~ wondering buying ticket or not...?
Angeline feel angry cuz didnt get one.. nevermind, later we try harder ^^
JUst rest our leg...
Angeline Jolin leg??
Watched 2nd d...
God, why every where also have elephant???
Back to hotel. Rest while la~ My bear bear.. I won it my self..hehehe
Back to outdoor.. see the seahorse? I won another prize..
Angeline also won actually ^^ congrat.. sorry angeline, i cant cut the elephant out n paste at between us =="
Where is this?
Angeline with her boots and seahorse
Taadanggg~ I won another bear. How lucky am I ^^
Leaving the room because something happen inside.. Hehehe
Denis come to Genting meet us up. Angeline so touch till cry. Having some gethering on that night with some red wine. BUt the fact is no one like taste of the wine. So we have some game.. is time for bed everyone.. tomorrow going back home : (

The founder of Genting
Finally, my elephant..
Angeline - take 2
4 of us climb up to the 7th floor..
I hope can fat like him??

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