I have a GREAT birthday this year!! Really!! From 12am my phone started to rang non-stop. But at that time, my dear is chatting with me by phone ^^ He is the 1st wish me lor..happy happy... All of my frens know that my rule is muz after 12am juz send msg wish me cuz I'll keep their msg 1 year..hahahaha..guess who the 1st?? Catherine Chwa..Are you here? Hope u see this post..got ur name..hahahaha..Lim Miaw Horug I forgive u la.. 11 somethings send d =="

Wanna thanks all my beloving frens..I really very for all ur wishes..Crazy frog couple thanks for your Heagen Harz ice cream T-T I still no yet open it leh..haha..N angeline sister..haha.. Thanks for the Plum Ice bledded..Nice lor..haha..Whole family drink with me..hahahaha..For all amoung the msg I prefer Shu Fen msg..I love it lor..so touch when saw that msg T-T.. Chwa Hui YIng msg very swt lor..hahaha..but love too la.. Kai Kher ==" hahahahahaha I love it too ==" Oh ya dun forget Denis Tay..I love ur msg too..very creative lor..u sure is u wrote de not?? Got bit dun believe..hehe..

Some Frens who wished me ^^

The msg that fell got bit angry is from Hamsap CS..can u dun mention 20 years old & i'm already OLD???????? No think to forgive u this.. Yeou Paye Woen..you apa pattern pun ada..can you be creative bit?? Forward last year msg lor ==" so sweat..thinking fly go Taiwan bite u..haha.. But I very happy U called me from Taiwan lor..Thanks for doing that to me..Thanks Dajie, Mei Chi, Woen new bf at Taiwan =="

Some of my frens wished me although they not in Malacca ^^

Going out dating with my dear around 6..But before that I should open my Crayon Shin Chan biscuit 1st..because I need open and share with my brother sister n mum..they also wanna taste it..hehe.. I like the biscuit..haha..inside have a free sticker too ^^
My bf is so 38..keep on take photo while I open it =="
After open sure no time to take pic d la.. Faster grab it n eat.. if not will finish at 3 second..
Is time for dinner..Le Garden steambot is our choice today ^^ RM19.90 per person.. But the tax is 5 % n 10% .. Scary lor..but nvm la.. 1 year 1 time..hehehe..
Pick what u like to eat~~~

The waiter will help u grill..
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