I have a GREAT birthday this year!! Really!! From 12am my phone started to rang non-stop. But at that time, my dear is chatting with me by phone ^^ He is the 1st wish me lor..happy happy... All of my frens know that my rule is muz after 12am juz send msg wish me cuz I'll keep their msg 1 year..hahahaha..guess who the 1st?? Catherine Chwa..Are you here? Hope u see this post..got ur name..hahahaha..Lim Miaw Horug I forgive u la.. 11 somethings send d =="

Wanna thanks all my beloving frens..I really very for all ur wishes..Crazy frog couple thanks for your Heagen Harz ice cream T-T I still no yet open it leh..haha..N angeline sister..haha.. Thanks for the Plum Ice bledded..Nice lor..haha..Whole family drink with me..hahahaha..For all amoung the msg I prefer Shu Fen msg..I love it lor..so touch when saw that msg T-T.. Chwa Hui YIng msg very swt lor..hahaha..but love too la.. Kai Kher ==" hahahahahaha I love it too ==" Oh ya dun forget Denis Tay..I love ur msg too..very creative lor..u sure is u wrote de not?? Got bit dun believe..hehe..
Some Frens who wished me ^^

The msg that fell got bit angry is from Hamsap CS..can u dun mention 20 years old & i'm already OLD???????? No think to forgive u this.. Yeou Paye Woen..you apa pattern pun ada..can you be creative bit?? Forward last year msg lor ==" so sweat..thinking fly go Taiwan bite u..haha.. But I very happy U called me from Taiwan lor..Thanks for doing that to me..Thanks Dajie, Mei Chi, Woen new bf at Taiwan =="
Some of my frens wished me although they not in Malacca ^^
Going out dating with my dear around 6..But before that I should open my Crayon Shin Chan biscuit 1st..because I need open and share with my brother sister n mum..they also wanna taste it..hehe.. I like the biscuit..haha..inside have a free sticker too ^^
My bf is so 38..keep on take photo while I open it =="

After open sure no time to take pic d la.. Faster grab it n eat.. if not will finish at 3 second..
Is time for dinner..Le Garden steambot is our choice today ^^ RM19.90 per person.. But the tax is 5 % n 10% .. Scary lor..but nvm la.. 1 year 1 time..hehehe..
Pick what u like to eat~~~
The waiter will help u grill..

My bf lover..
Half Tom Yam half chicken soup..the Tom Yam is really spicyyyy
Haha..my hair is very messy
He love me much..I know.....
Hahaha..he love my face that meatball..
Happy birthday to myself ^^