Having our holiday trip on 1st week of 2nd sem ==" cuz everyone is not free when holiday ma..haiz..saturday around 7 Cathy pick Xpei then pick me go her house..Cuz Suan can't come down fetch us..so Cathy fetch lor..After that around 9pm every reach her house..Cathy been Alor Gajar b4 so she drive lor..n Shu Fen know where is Woen house..so Cathy car have her Shu Fen Fandy & QJ..Suan car have Ben Xpei n Me..
Reach there around 10 d..is heavy rain there..after put all our things in her house then we go eat Tom Yam that famous at there..Not bad la..the taste is enough lor..haha..mean enough sour n spicy..cuz those shop is open by Thailand ppl..after that Woen bring us round Alor Gajar town..juz 11 something already no have car on the road leh..scary ==" but nothing to see pun ==" Waste our time to turn a round la wei =="

Then is time go back home lor..PAye Lynn is Woen da jie..so we all follow her called da jie la..easy ma..her youngest sister name Paye Yaen..spell rite not?? Nvm la..LoL will correct me in the chat box.. so is time to sing k..wakaka..everyone is sing n sing n sing..Yean voice is very geng a..haha.. At that time I already wanna sleep lor ==" but also kena tahan cuz later wanna go eat Satay.. Eat satay around 1:30the place at Tampin ==" but juz ok ok oly la..normal lor..haha..After home.. everyone is tired..but dajie n me playing at living room..Woen also join too..oh dun forget Ben too..haha..playing some stupid magic la..n what crazy game..this is coffee this is tea, what is this? Who know???

Until 3 something I already wan die..but the Woen dun give me sleep ==" so she teach me play piano ^^ she can play smooth la..not bad ^^ ..u know i like which song rite? Hehe.. but I can play 1 song too..haha..not bad la~~u go teach Jeff the Canon song la..later when he wan porpose me can play that song ma..wakakakaa..play till 5am..everyone prepare go hot spring lor ^^ The water really very hot lor..can cook egg d la..play till 7 everyone go bath..the toilet is very big..i think 1 bathroom can put 6 ppl bath inside lor..but many insect ==" scary..when u bath your eyes is keep on watching those insect..make sure not fly to ur cloth or ur body..
The girls..
PM 18 girl ^^
Hot leh..Haha..see Fandy face sure know d la..
Which pool u most like?
I love this pic very much ^^
Shu Fen with those plant =="
How hot is those water
Love this pic too~~
This is the water come out..
Cathy n Me
Fandy n QJ
Sun is rising ^^
Danielle Ong
This pic is I take 1..pro leh..hehe
Danielle n Shu Fen
Modal of the day
Paye Woen n Shu Fen
Is time to back home..

So pretty~~So touch T^TTime to breakfast ^^ HUngry k..last meal is satay..

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