Yesterday was LiLian birthay..Happy Birthday we decide go Dream box sing k at 6..BUT Lilian can't make it cuz of some we cancelled the appointment n go find some place to have dinner..our Miss Paye Woen said will come down at 5:30 but reach DP meet us is at 6:30..the road very jam meh????
So we went to Wong Kok to have dinner..who know..ntg can be order de we decide to run away..but not good ma..T-T already sit there n see menu for so long just order a cup of milk tea, French tost, and a don't know called what name de bread..haha..cuz we are too hungry..

Me PayeWoen n a kacau Cathy hand..
After that we go to present for give Lilian..thinking to buy...cannot said 1st..later she will saw..haha..then can't find pretty de so just give up lor..then is time for us shopping..haha..Cathy wanna see shoes in Summit, Paye Woen wanna see cloths in Padini..we shop at Padini almost 1 hour but get ntg..haiz..

Then go 士林get some finger snaks..have a new recipe..but forget called what nice de..but Miss lol finished it..she again..

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