Red colour belong to Paye Woen..white colour belong to me..hehe

Proses while open the chocolate box..hehe..is pretty..I love it!!!

Da Tangggg..hehe..is it pretty?? Hehe..no yet taste it..thanks again to er jie...hehe..muackk give u a kiss..
Red colour belong to Paye Woen..white colour belong to me..hehe
Proses while open the chocolate box..hehe..is pretty..I love it!!!
Da Tangggg..hehe..is it pretty?? Hehe..no yet taste it..thanks again to er jie...hehe..muackk give u a kiss..
My is with the stawberry one..PayeWoen mango with don't know white white what ball..Fish ball???? Wakaka..YunChee is red bean with mango..not very nice cuz I not dare to try..hehe...Lastly Angeline get her self a tropical fruit ice cream..The ice cream is durian taste so PayeWoen give me..She hate durians.......=="
After finish eat ice we go to McD to buy dinner for Mr.Denis cuz he working..maybe no time to having his dinner b4 go to work..But b4 that..we take 1 photo 1st..hehe
While at McD...........hehe
And finally..with my own pose pic..wakaka
After that , we go find Kiang n chat wth him bout 5min..then bye bye to him..reach home already 8something..plus PayeWoen Stay my home today..study for 2morow midterm..but what will happen???? Hehe..
My lovely dear n me
Paye Woen order thai style chicken chop rice..yummy yummy..
When Paye Woen almost finish her lunch I think to pack 1 pack too..But the boss wife told me sold finish d T-T so sad sad sad....T-T haiz..next week call dear just bring me go eat..wakakaka..you all also must have a try yummylicious..
The blue colour drinks belong to Cathy while the green is my..hahaha..But my more nice ..
Fandy n Shu Fen
Me PayeWoen n a kacau Cathy hand..
After that we go to present for give Lilian..thinking to buy...cannot said 1st..later she will saw..haha..then can't find pretty de so just give up lor..then is time for us shopping..haha..Cathy wanna see shoes in Summit, Paye Woen wanna see cloths in Padini..we shop at Padini almost 1 hour but get ntg..haiz..
Then go 士林get some finger snaks..have a new recipe..but forget called what d..no nice de..but Miss lol finished it..she again..
I very like present that she/he bought for me everytime she/he go holiday..thanks very much..next time i tread u eat more chocolates la..wakaka..sorry cuz I not as rich as you..so I can't holiday here n there & can't bring present to you..so what I can do is what I have I will give you half..except my bf n money..haha..
I very like this..Unfortunately, is too big for me..the size already is S..hehe..but I will keep it very well la..
I every love this!! Yummyliciuos..inside still have sticker..wakaka..I too love until no dare it..wakaka..nice nice nice!!!!
Wakakakakaka..thanks my dear fren..
你还是走了 我有点不舍
该说点什么 我不是哭了
是阳光折射 眼睛也红了颜色
不懂 为什么快乐 像冰淇淋口中 溶化得 特別 冲动
不懂 为什么树叶 染红的时候 就到要分手
Don't,don't go away
Don't,don't go away
从来不曾一个人 生活
有人分享才值得 拥有
我还在听着 你写过的歌 留言在部落格
成长的选择 没有过预设 像苹果 一样青涩
不懂 为什么快乐 像冰淇淋口中 溶化得 特別 冲动
不懂 为什么树叶 染红的時候 就到要分手
能不能够 让时间回头
So Don't,don't go away
Don't,don't go away
Don't,don't go away
从来 不曾一个人 生活
有人 分享才值得 拥有
Haha..I also do something for my little brother..he can't finish the coconut meat just now noon..so I called he keep..so I do something special give him..some ice-cream, banana, strawberry, chocolates n colour chips..
Besides that my mum also bought coconut..this is cute..juz have the coconut meat n the drinks inside..I also don't know how to mention..let's see the pic..haha
Thanks mummy..I know sometimes we do some action that hurt you but you still so love us n take care us.. MUMMY IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
This picture sure not not belong to me..wait me..I will do my fruit tart my self n take picture post here..haha..n will more pretty that this picture..haha..
Me Marcus KaiKher
Shir Li n Me
Danielle Ong