Today is very tired n buzy day..class start at 9 finish at 10.. After finish class, me Angeline n PayeWoen decide to go town have breakfast+lunch..cuz we have 6 hours after having breakfast+lunch at Plaza Mahkota we went to DP..
We went to Summit shop to have a look..finally Paye Woen bought a pair of shoes coloured orange..cuz she wearing orange shirt so sure terus wear it la..paid money walk to Padini then Brands Outlet..Paye Woen saw a shoes n bought it..she seem very rich ==" n Angeline juz sit at chair while she walk here n there to find SHOE!!
After that go buy some hair shampoo n sweet n bla bla bla..haha..the time is pointing at 1pm n we are tired tired n tired!!!!! So decide don't walk too far n find a place to rest our leg..Big Apple Donut is our target..drinking a cup of Apple tea with a piece of donut..enjoying..haha.. many things happen while the 2 hours..the donut is so sweet n very many sugar that make us almost mad..have a look below pic u will find out why we are almost be mad..

Danielle Ong Is Me

This is after take off the sugar

This is the sugarrrrr

I saw the box very cute so i decide to buy 2 donut for my dear..cuz juz can put 2..haha..i know my dear will hungry so just buy de la..hehehe..
On car while waiting our dinner shop open..cuz 7 pm still have class T-T
Angeline n Paye Woen after finish our class at 8pm
Oh ya..i cutted my hair today after back from DP..haha..
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