Few month ago, I had help my cousin friends modaling their cloths. They wanna have an online business. But till now no yet finish thier webpage design ==" Just have 2 modals : Me and my cousin name JY. Is 1st time for me but not for her. They told us will have 2 venue taking the shots that is indoor and outdoor view. Early morning went to meet my cousin up -> make up -> set hair -> waiting our photograher.Due to raining day, all the shots is at cousin house =="
BUt actually is lucky for us. If go outdoor shots those pictures , I don't think I still can smile in the picture ==" Even we taking photo at my cousin house , we almost can't smile d. Why? Good question. Because we need keep change those cloth with SPEED! Although was raining day, we still feel hot hot hot. Believe it or not , my cousin n me lay down below the fan with bra n panty ==" So here are some of the photo. Enjoyed ^^

I love my cousin pose. She look pro right?

See. She really pro in posing.

My every first time be modal.

The make up artist is my another cousin. Erm.. I dun very like false eyelashes.

Just show out what you have.

I love this photo much!

I like her pose. Why cant i pose like her :(

I have S shape body. Hahahaha

U are too thin. PLease eat more rice.

I love pokka dot!!!

We love Apple.

My cousin leg skin look so fair T^T

I look young in this photo.Hohoho.. I'm 16~

Date me please, Mr.Jeff

Look pro?

You look gorgeous girl.
I just random pick some photos that I like share with you guys.